SOULFULLY INSPIRED (1): Guided by the Light... not wrapped up, free...

Posted by Bandele Prioleau , Friday, June 24, 2011 5:26 PM

I almost shed a tear in pride when I heard this. This is the kind of positive thinking that more people need to be exposed to, and be made to understand. This whole glamourization of death thing is all a trap.... and I've never seen a mouse glorify a trap...
"The vampires gather 'round me, 
angling to take a bite. 
They want to drink my blood of courage,
and try to take away my fight. 
But no, no, no, they can't do that, no,
for one truth I've learned in life. 
You want to scare away the vampires, 
simply guide them into the light." 
Michael Franti & Spearhead - See You In The Light